Just a quick "how do you do" before our crazy weekend starts!
I cant believe that it is already Good Friday, Easter is only a few days away! Where has the last few months gone. We have been crazy busy getting Olivia ready for her Spotlight On Ice, all the while trying to prepare both Olivia and Dallas (mostly my hubby) for our Church's Easter Drama! and While I am excited to see how it will unfold, I am honestly looking forward to having a few Saturdays where there is nothing expected of us, and we can relax and recoup as a family.
With all this going on, I have had to STOP, and remind myself that Easter is not about a Bunny, candy, gifts, or even an Easter Drama...it is about the resurrection of our Lord, and instead of trying to do it all and go crazy while attempting to juggle so many things at once, what we should be focusing on is What His death and Resurrection means to us personally.
Think about it.....He LOVED us so much, that He died for us, so that we could be saved.
That is what I want to focus on this Easter.
So if you are running around feeling frazzled and are too busy to enjoy this time with your family...Stop, take a deep breath, and remember what this weekend is all about.
Don't worry about trying to make the perfect Easter basket (your kids will Love whatever you get them), Focus your time and energy on your family and celebrating the Love that God has for you and them. Show your children that the gift Jesus gave us by dying on the cross, is so much more important the the gift they will be receiving in a basket.
I am not against Easter Baskets ( we give one to our daughter every year), but this year we are focusing more on the reason behind Easter, then the Easter Bunny :)
I know that finding peace and rest in the middle of a hectic weekend, can seem very hard to do, especially when it is during a holiday, and more often then not, you are surrounded by more then just your family. When you feel overwhelmed....take a deep breath, say a quick prayer for peace, and remember who LOVES you :)
Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Easter Weekend!
If you are local, you are welcome to come to our Easter Drama at 10am and 6pm!
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