The moment we found out that Friday was on the 13th, we would start planning....I remember asking mom if we could have a sleepover, and invite a bunch of friends to have a "fright night", and we would plan everything from games, food, and even the music we wanted to play. We had SO much fun planning those sleep overs, and my mom never limited us to how many we could invite over, so most sleep overs had between 10-12 girls :) we always had fun.
Now to give a little back ground story....My parents were pretty strict on what they allowed into the house. we were NOT allowed to watch scary movies, or listen to certain styles of music. Which I am so thankful for now, because My hubby and I are the same way :) they led by example, and while when we were younger we did want to watch all the stuff our friends did, and listen to the same type of music, but my parents were more concerned with shepherding our hearts, and making sure that we had a firm spiritual foundation to stand on, than what was popular at that moment in time!
So when I said we had "fright nights" what I should have said is that we had epic sleepovers, with tons of fun and games, and we may have even got around to watching Abbot and Costello meets Frankenstein :) not the Friday the 13th fun you had imagined, right? It may not have been filled with horror, but to us girls, our sleepovers were always a ton of fun.
Its funny how things like that pop into your mind, when you least expect it.
Today we model the same type of caution that my parents modeled, we are very strict on what we allow in our home, not only for Olivia, but also for what my husband and I watch.
We have chosen not to allow anything that could bring fear into our home. our family has dealt with fear, and it is something I never want to walk through again. You can read about our reasons behind our choice here! Fear has no place in a family based on Love, and I will not knowingly invite it into my home.
Now I am not saying if you watch scary movies, you are doing something wrong. I am only saying that for our family we have chosen not to watch certain shows.
Today is Friday the 13th, and while we do not have a night of scary movies planned out, we do have plans. Our night will revolve around our family, my hubby and I taking care of our sick little girl, and while we may watch a movie tonight, it will be age appropriate, and something that we can all enjoy together.
On this Friday, the 13th, if you are looking for something fun to do, I hope you will chose LOVE over fear. Because that is really what this is all about.
The Bible tells us that "...God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of...LOVE"!
I LOVE my family, and I dont want to allow anything in that may cause uncertainty, fear, or guilt. Why bring something in that can and will cause these things. By setting limits, and being on the same page with my hubby, our family has weeded out shows and books that are not edifying to Christ, and that do not bring us closer to him, but that may/will bring a sense of fear or uneasiness to our home. It was hard, and I STILL struggle with it from time to time...not going to lie about that! But I know that EVERY struggle that I walk through is shaping me and leading me to the path that I was designed for!
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7
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