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Showing posts from 2016

It's Time :)

Black Friday has come and gone, and I have yet to put our Christmas tree up.It is sitting in the garage just waiting for me to send my hubby out side to drag it in. If it could think, it would probable be wondering why I have been taking so long.  I am wondering the same thing. Of course my artificial Christmas tree can't has no feelings,  and it doesn't care that the day we usually set aside to put the tree up, has come and gone...its just a tree. Me on the other hand, I do have feelings, and I do wonder why it has taken me this long to even want to get the tree out, let alone decorate for the holiday. Lets be honest here, I still have my pumpkins on my front porch....I really do need to put them away! I kept telling myself that I would put the tree up, on Black Friday, like we always do. Even though this year my Beautiful Mothers birthday fell on Black Friday. I was still going to put the tree up. I was going to have a great day, listening to Christma...

Honesty and Hotdogs

"It's hotdogs" Those were the words the teenager kept saying to my mom. let me rewind just a bit. I was eight years old, and after a long shopping trip, my mother and I were loading up the car, when she picked up her purse and noticed that a bag of hotdogs has slipped under it. Some people would have just tossed them in with the other grocery's, but not my mom. We finished loading the car, and then we walked back to the store and stood in line at customer service. My mom waited patiently as we moved closer and closer to the front of the line. I on the other hand, fidgeted, twirled, know everything a eight year old who is tired and just wants to go home would do. when we finally reached the front of the line, my mom handed the hotdogs to the teenager and after explaining that she had forgotten to pay for them, reached for her wallet, only to find him looking at her like she was crazy! "It's hotdogs" "Yes" she replied...

Best Laid Plans

Plans.... We make them, prepare for them, and we expect to see them through. Then life happens, and everything you have planned, gets thrown out the window. That is what happened this week for our family. My daughter had a project due for her co-op class, and we had a friend who lent us a cut out castle background so she could use it, and it is sitting, in the garage, not being used. I bought all of the things needed, except the light saber, that was thankfully lent to us by another on of our friends, for my daughters Halloween costume. So far she hasn't even been able to try everything on together. I scheduled today off from my job over a month ago, so we could attend as a family, a special service at our home church. I am currently sitting in my bed under, a mountain of blankets, with a pile of used tissues and Ricola wrappers right next to me. Needless to say we wont be going anywhere tonight. Tomorrow is Halloween, and while I know this can be touchy subject, as o...

Bursts of Energy

It has been a very long week!!! We have been battling a bug, that for some reason just doesn't want to leave our house! Puking, fever, and cough are what we have been dealing with this past week. If you have been reading my blog for awhile you will know that I LOVE oils, (dont worry this in not an oil post), but I would be remiss if I didn't say how much they have helped us get through this week of illness :) I would love to say that when I am sick, I am still able to keep my house clean, feed y family, and work on my blog/business....I would really LOVE to say that! however I am one of those people who when they are sick they turn in to a blob, hide under a mountain of blankets and whine...I know its not a pretty picture, at all....Its actually pretty sad, lol I ended up calling off 2 days of work, we were unable to to go to our weekly co-op groups and the school work that my daughter did (before she got sick) was pretty much self led. I laid in bed 3 days straight an...


Can you believe that it is already the middle of October? I sure cant. I have been trying to fill every possible spare moment with "fall" things. We have our pumpkins sitting on the front porch, the diffuser is constantly filled with a "fallish" scent, and we are loving the fall parties and bonfires/hayrides! Even with all of the events going on around us to remind me that it is actually indeed fall.....something is missing. Maybe its the weather, October usually means sweaters and hoodies, tights and boots, but this year its been a little warm for all my favorite fall clothing. It was seriously almost 80 degrees yesterday! I was sweating and had turned the air back on. What is up with that! Maybe its becasue Fall is the season for change and I, a creature of habit, do not care for change at all. Maybe its just as simple as this was my Moms favorite time of year and every time I see a leaf fall, I think of her. It is probably a combination of all three...The ...

A Much Needed Day :)

Today has been one of those know the kind that you know you will not easily forget. It was not a planned day at all, but when we decided to do one thing different in our schedule, the whole day was open to possibilities. We got to bed kind of late (after 12am) last night, and after what seemed like 5 minutes, my alarm was chirping(gotta love the alarm tones on my phone)! it was 7:55am and I did NOT want to get up. and I knew if I didn't want to get up, that probably meant my 11 year old daughter didn't want to get up either. I snuggled deeper under the covers as my hubby started getting ready for work, and called out to my daughter to come snuggle for a few minutes before we start the day! I have realized that if we do not have morning quiet/snuggle time EVERYDAY, then our day gets off to a rough start. She climbed into bed, telling me how she didn't think she had the energy to do school work today (wonder when she will realize that that argument is NEVER goi...

How we do it....Homeschooling on a day when this mama is sick!

We left for vacation on Friday, I started getting sick on Saturday :( we opted to stay and finish out our mini vacation, and I am so glad we did. Check out how our trip went here! Since we have been home though, I have been taking it easy, attempting to get better. I have been oiling up and taking OTC cough med's, and while I am starting to feel better, school this week has been a little unorthodox! but we got it done... and that is what matters the most :) Monday we were technically still on vacation, and since I was sick in bed and Dallas was off of work, we let Olivia take the day off as well. We all spent the day relaxing and recouping from vacation (seriously am I the only one who needs to recoup after a relaxing vacation?). Tuesday, I was still sick, but I crawled from my comfy bed and made it to the recliner in the living room. My little girl, who wanted another day off, was less then excited for school to start back up, but even homeschooler's need to stick to s...

Our Mini Vacation in Pictures

Last weekend, my family and I packed up our car and after stopping to get our nieces, we headed to Branson, for a back-to-school mini vacay! We decided to celebrate the start of another homeschooling year, by going to an indoor water park called Grand Country! This is the 2nd time we have been there, and other then a few things that had changed since our previous trip ( we really missed the falling balloons at the fun spot party), it was just as great The following is our weekend in pictures/videos :) The girls loved the Water Park, and spent most of the time running back and forth between the slides and the lazy river (I liked the hot tub and lazy river the best). While I got sick 1/2 way through the weekend, I can honestly say that the trip was a success, and we will be returning there at the beginning of the year. We were in all need of a break from the car! I needed to visit the restroom and stretch my legs. The girls needed to dance and sing and get a little playtime in b...

Looking for Blessings

I read a post on Social Media about finding your own "magic" in everything around you. While I do not believe in magic, I decided to read the post to see what types of magic these people were finding in their every day lives. They were looking for "Magic" in everything, and since they were looking they found "Magic" in everything. They could "see" magic all around them, and this made them happy. This inspired me :) not to look for magic, but to look at my life and find all the little blessings that are right in front of me. Blessings that may not look like much to anyone else, but to me they are HUGE. When I started looking, I was amazed at how happy finding and acknowledging these blessings made me feel. These are my blessings from today! I started looking around my house for blessings....then I realized, I am living in a great neighborhood, in a house, that may not be completely finished, but it is a home for me and my family. When I ...

Giving Up Control

Four days until our family leaves for a mini vacation to Branson.....only four days! I have actually been counting down for the last month! My hubby got the suitcase down and I have little piles of folded laundry sitting around the house, just waiting for me to pack them in the suitcase for our vacation. I am SO ready to leave! I have high expectations for this vacation. a weekend of reading, watching my daughter and nieces have fun at the indoor water park at Grand Country , and spending some quality time with my hubby! I have lists of what needs to be done, what should be packed and in which bags, and I have already picked out some new books that I really want to read while I relax! I have it all planned out! I know I'm not the only one who packs way a head of time, has great expectations of what the days ahead will hold for them and their family and drives everyone around them crazy while they are in "preparing mode" least I hope I am not the onl...

Uncluttering My Life

The last few days have been pretty hectic around our house! Our homeschooling year starts the 6th of September, and I am in full "Crazy cleaning/purging" mom mode! I think I may have made a bigger mess in my house then what was here before. I cant be the only one who has to make a mess in order to organize/clean....right? So far today, I have gotten rid of pictures, wall decorations, clothes my daughter no longer fits in, and a fair amount of books (yes, I am cringing as I write about my books, but it must be done)! My goal is to focus on each room in my home, until it is de-cluttered and deep cleaned, BEFORE school starts! While my house looks nothing like I want it to...and if you stop by, please remember that I am "working" on more then one project at a will soon be "sorted." In the midst of cleaning/rearranging I am also planning out my daughters schedule for this if you can imagine my living room with boxes by the door tha...


Its been a while....maybe too long. But I am here now, willing to open my heart and let anyone who is curious enough, to take a look inside. When you think of grief, what do you think of? Is it of someone who is sitting in a quiet room surrounded by their loved ones things? Is it a crying woman, clinging to the picture of their lost loved one? What does grief look like....? If you look at me, what would you see? Would you see the tears hidden behind my smiles and jokes? would you hear the catch in my voice every time I talk about my parents. Would you know that sometimes I cry in the shower, with the water drowning out my sorrow so that my daughter doesn't hear me cry. This is what my grief looks like. For each person, grief takes on a different look. It can never be the same, for each one of us loves differently, so therefor we will each grieve differently. I realize that this can be a topic that makes some uncomfortable, but it is what many of us are living thro...

My Adventurous Life

I have been staring at a blank page, trying to figure out what to write for quite a bit of time…writers block, is kind of new to me…my brain is always overflowing with thoughts I want to put on paper, but lately I have found something that I love to do, and that helps me unwind, very hard. And I don’t like it! I like being able to write out my plans, sit with my laptop and escape in my writing…and now it seems as if my writing is something my mind is trying to run from, instead of running towards. I could blame it on everything around me, no inspiration, nothing “write worthy has happened” but that would be wrong. While I don’t live a James Bond (would that be Jane Bond?) exciting type of life, I still have one.  And as much as I try to make it slow down, it keeps marching on. I have a wonderful mountain that I climb every morning, sometimes slipping to the bottom, and having to start all over again on the SLOW and steady walk to reach the top and claim...