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A Much Needed Day :)

Today has been one of those know the kind that you know you will not easily forget. It was not a planned day at all, but when we decided to do one thing different in our schedule, the whole day was open to possibilities.

We got to bed kind of late (after 12am) last night, and after what seemed like 5 minutes, my alarm was chirping(gotta love the alarm tones on my phone)! it was 7:55am and I did NOT want to get up. and I knew if I didn't want to get up, that probably meant my 11 year old daughter didn't want to get up either.

I snuggled deeper under the covers as my hubby started getting ready for work, and called out to my daughter to come snuggle for a few minutes before we start the day! I have realized that if we do not have morning quiet/snuggle time EVERYDAY, then our day gets off to a rough start. She climbed into bed, telling me how she didn't think she had the energy to do school work today (wonder when she will realize that that argument is NEVER going to work on me), and we started talking about our day.
after 10 min I sent her off to get dressed and I "Slooooooooowly climbed out from under my covers. It was then that I got and I texted (yes you read that right) my daughter who was getting dressed in her room, across the hall from my room(yes I know I could have walked, but she LOVES getting text messages,  so every now and then I send her random texts, even if we are in the same house).

the text read....

"lets go to Mcdonalds to do your school work today"

Nothing life changing, just something we do every now and then to break up the  monotony of the school year.

I got back..."good idea" .....followed by the sounds of her getting dressed really fast. She was dressed and ready to go before I was even out of bed.

What I thought would be a fun time while we did school work turned in to a day of craziness, laughing and having a wonderful time with just me and my little girl.

She got through all her assignments in record time ( we did take a french fry break), and we decided to head to the newer Party City, where we had a blast trying on Halloween hats and masks. there were quite a few odd looks directed our way, but we couldn't stop laughing.

After we got home, we had a My Little Pony marathon and snuggled up on the couch and just vegged for awhile. It was heavenly!!

Olivia helped me with dinner and setting the table, and afterward we made cookies and icing and played a few games.

We ended our night, snuggling on the couch and reading a Thea Stilton Book.

Since this is a Wednesday night, we usually would have been at church, but tonight we needed to be home to talk to our landlord and becasue he works full time, we needed to work with his schedule. While I missed the fellowship with our church family and hearing the weekly bible study, I believe that God gave us the night that we needed.

As I sit here typing this, I am going over the events of the day, and I so needed a day like today! I needed to let loose and be crazy, to spend time with just me and Olivia, and to make memories that we will remember forever. I needed today to help me continue to heal. The closer we get to the holidays and the anniversary  of my parents deaths, I need days like today.

Its amazing how a simple action, something out of the ordinary,  can set into motion exactly what you need in your life.

Take every moment and live it to the fullest. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Take each moment and turn it into something beautiful, something that will last long after we are gone.

Make a memory every day!

This is my goal in life....

To make memories every day, to live in the moment, to leave behind a small piece of me, so that when they look back on my life,  it makes them smile.


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