That moment of excitement....your having a overflows and the joy spills out of your heart and is splattered all over your face in a HUGE smile that just wont go away. There is a spring in your step, and everything that was once second nature to you(grabbing a coffee, eating spicy food) is now a question in your mind as to how it will affect the precious little peanut you are carrying inside of you. You and your husband lay away, late into the night, dreaming of your future, sharing your fears, and trying to come up with the perfect name that your child will grow old with. You contemplate when to share your big news and who should know start the multiple baby lists, you know the names, wish lists for the nursery, cloth or disposable diapers, nurse or bottle feed, what will you need at the hospital.....and the lists go on and on. They are your dreams being put to paper. Then your heart stops, and your hope for the future is torn from you w...