Have you ever given something over to God, and then wondered why He wasn't taking care of it? Ever feel like you need to do something, Anything really, to make something happen? How many of us need to be in control of EVERY aspect of our lives? I know that I am so guilty of this! I pray that God will take care of something, and I lay it at his feet, but then I worry about that same issue. I fret about "what can I do to help this situation" I do CRAZY things when I feel like nothing is working out the way I want it to...then I obsess over how I can fix it, what I can do to make things better, and then I cry out to God asking him why He hasn't "fixed" my problem. Then I am gently reminded that I never left it with Him....I placed it at his feet, but before I turned to go, I picked it back up! How awesome is it that He GENTLY reminds of us this....its not a SMACK to the head, although sometimes I am sure that is just what I need! He Loves us so muc...