What is Faith? Picture from Indian Jones and the last Crusades Is it leaping blindly into the abyss, praying for an Indian Jones kind of moment? Or is it resting quietly in the knowledge that God is in control? Faith to me is finding that balance between leaping and resting. I know God is in control and that our steps are ordered by Him....but I also know that sometimes he asks us to leap....to trust that His will is perfect, EVEN when what "we" can see is less then perfect. There have been many times that I have cried out to God, begging Him to give me direction, only to be answered, and then not like what Gods path/direction looked like for my life. He was asking me to take a leap, He knew that the path he had chose for me looked hard and a little unpleasant. But, he also knew where that path would lead me. He knew that the ups and downs on that path, were going to be hard, but that each one would make me stronger, more capable of handling similar situations ...