This year, we put our tree up on one day, and about a week later we finally had the time to decorate it. We did not go all out this year, we only put up the decorations that meant the most to us, the ones that make us smile. It was enough, and exactly what we needed.
My husband asked when I was going to take the tree down...and I honestly am not sure. It may be up till the end of January since we only got it decorated a few days before Christmas. I keep telling myself as long as its down by Valentines Day, I'm OK lol if its not down by then...you may need to call in a cleaning team and send them my way.
This season I learned that even in the midst of our crazy life, we can, and did have a wonderful Christmas.
1) Its OK to stop and take a breath and "schedule" family time. We need to be able to spend quality time with family. We cant take care of others if our own family is needing to be taken care of.
2) Less is more!! We totally did not decorate like we usually do. We just didn't have the time, or the energy to do what we usually do. But I LOVE our tree, and looking at my Mothers Snowman that are on sitting on the top of the piano, or the nativity that is sitting next to me, as I type. Its small, its wonderful, and everything we have out is special to us.
3) Just because its Christmas time doesn't mean that everyone is going to be in the Christmas mood, but that we as Christians should ALWAYS strive to show Christ.
4) Sometimes you have to just say No! Accepting that you cant do everything for everyone is actually kind of freeing. Try it...you will thank you!
5) Finding joy in small things truly is the key to happiness. A lighted Christmas tree, the smell of something yummy baking in the oven, talking with the hubby about our goals and dreams, a handmade gift that means the world to me...these are the things I treasure.
These are just a FEW of the things that I have learned during this crazy time of our life. We have embraced this season of our life, and are trying to make memories that will last a lifetime, while still trying to have a somewhat normal home life.
As the end of the year is approaching, take a moment to breathe and remember that no matter what the New Year brings, you are blessed beyond measure. You have a family that loves you, and a God that will lead and guide you through any thing that comes your way.
Be blessed.
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