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Showing posts from October, 2016

Best Laid Plans

Plans.... We make them, prepare for them, and we expect to see them through. Then life happens, and everything you have planned, gets thrown out the window. That is what happened this week for our family. My daughter had a project due for her co-op class, and we had a friend who lent us a cut out castle background so she could use it, and it is sitting, in the garage, not being used. I bought all of the things needed, except the light saber, that was thankfully lent to us by another on of our friends, for my daughters Halloween costume. So far she hasn't even been able to try everything on together. I scheduled today off from my job over a month ago, so we could attend as a family, a special service at our home church. I am currently sitting in my bed under, a mountain of blankets, with a pile of used tissues and Ricola wrappers right next to me. Needless to say we wont be going anywhere tonight. Tomorrow is Halloween, and while I know this can be touchy subject, as o...

Bursts of Energy

It has been a very long week!!! We have been battling a bug, that for some reason just doesn't want to leave our house! Puking, fever, and cough are what we have been dealing with this past week. If you have been reading my blog for awhile you will know that I LOVE oils, (dont worry this in not an oil post), but I would be remiss if I didn't say how much they have helped us get through this week of illness :) I would love to say that when I am sick, I am still able to keep my house clean, feed y family, and work on my blog/business....I would really LOVE to say that! however I am one of those people who when they are sick they turn in to a blob, hide under a mountain of blankets and whine...I know its not a pretty picture, at all....Its actually pretty sad, lol I ended up calling off 2 days of work, we were unable to to go to our weekly co-op groups and the school work that my daughter did (before she got sick) was pretty much self led. I laid in bed 3 days straight an...


Can you believe that it is already the middle of October? I sure cant. I have been trying to fill every possible spare moment with "fall" things. We have our pumpkins sitting on the front porch, the diffuser is constantly filled with a "fallish" scent, and we are loving the fall parties and bonfires/hayrides! Even with all of the events going on around us to remind me that it is actually indeed fall.....something is missing. Maybe its the weather, October usually means sweaters and hoodies, tights and boots, but this year its been a little warm for all my favorite fall clothing. It was seriously almost 80 degrees yesterday! I was sweating and had turned the air back on. What is up with that! Maybe its becasue Fall is the season for change and I, a creature of habit, do not care for change at all. Maybe its just as simple as this was my Moms favorite time of year and every time I see a leaf fall, I think of her. It is probably a combination of all three...The ...