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Showing posts from 2020

Missing Church

Who else has been MISSING going to church in person? I know I sure have! We have been blessed during this time with leadership who went out of their way to make sure that our church family stayed connected. We had online services, Parking lot Services, facebook groups to help us see/ interact with others, our youth had zoom calls, and we just finished up a month of Wednesday Night Life Groups. The support was amazing. And yet...I still longed to be INSIDE our church. Not because we have to be in a building to feel Gods spirit, but because there is just something about being surrounded with those of like faith, and worshiping TOGETHER in the same place. After almost 3 months of not being able to walk into our church building, and see and worship with our church family, I was so EXCITED when it was announced that we would be able to go back to church. While we have to adhere to guidelines and things are different, and will be for awhile, it is still AMAZING to...