The last few days have been pretty hectic around our house! Our homeschooling year starts the 6th of September, and I am in full "Crazy cleaning/purging" mom mode! I think I may have made a bigger mess in my house then what was here before. I cant be the only one who has to make a mess in order to organize/clean....right? So far today, I have gotten rid of pictures, wall decorations, clothes my daughter no longer fits in, and a fair amount of books (yes, I am cringing as I write about my books, but it must be done)! My goal is to focus on each room in my home, until it is de-cluttered and deep cleaned, BEFORE school starts! While my house looks nothing like I want it to...and if you stop by, please remember that I am "working" on more then one project at a will soon be "sorted." In the midst of cleaning/rearranging I am also planning out my daughters schedule for this if you can imagine my living room with boxes by the door tha...