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Showing posts from January, 2019

This Is Me

Are you ever afraid that people will see the real you and want to run away? Do you find yourself trying to be a "little less" then your true self, because you know that you walk/dance/skip/move to your own beautiful beat of music?  If you answered "yes" to either of those questions then this post is for you. My circle of friends know, and this is important, GET ME! I can be crazy, do stupid stuff and no matter what I look like they will STILL love me. its the people outside my circle that I worry about. I worry that if I say something crazy, like I ALWAYS tend to do, that the people who don't know me, will think I'm kind of crazy (who am I kidding, we all know I am), and then write me off as someone they don't want to get to know. This has happened to me in the past....and it did crush my spirit. Over the last few years I have grown into myself, I have learned to trust my feelings, and to pursue the dreams that I have.  I have walked down many ...